Congid device begginer

Hi guys, we did a default installation, we want to connect our ONT device to GenieACS, I tried using the URL and port of the server but nothing happens. Someone can tell me witch parameters we should include in the ONT.

Is that IP addr and port accessible from the network the ONT is on?

Is the GenieACS CWMP process listening on that port and ip addr?

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Maybe you need remove last slash on URL

Hi guys. We found where the problem was. The noticed some ONT or ONU terminals use the PON port to use the TR-069 protocol, others use the PON and ethernet ports, in our case the TR-069 only use the PON port. This case was using Phyhome ONT terminals. Advise about this. :smiley:

Hi, did you find an answer to this. Also using Phyhome ONU

Yes I did, check my answer :smiley: