I want to be able to control the FTTH for now, for which I have Huawei MA5608T brand OLTs and Multibrand ONTs (Huawei, ZTE, C-DATA, among others)
I have already installed the GenieACS server v1.2 without problem following the installation manual Installation Guide — GenieACS Documentation 1.2.13 documentation.
According to the guide, it asks us to add a configuration line for the authentication of the CPE
Now I configure the ont in its administration part
Ont reaches server with ping command
With this configuration it would be enough for me to be able to see the ONT for administration in GenieACS but that is not the case, no device appears.
Thanks akcoder
Although I don’t really understand why eliminate the line since it is defining the username and password with which the CPE will identify itself with the ACS.
Likewise, I deleted the line but I still cannot see the equipment on the GenieACS server.
My problem was with the NAT issue, I was testing with a remote site.
Now I have a local laboratory, I configured the ont in the ACS part with the IP of my GenieACS server and nothing else, without credentials or users and I am already seeing it.
Now that I can see the ONT on my GenieACS server I have a few questions:
Can I change WAN parameters such as IP, Mask, Gateway, DNS?
When I try to change the name of the SSID I get an error Connection request error: Incorrect connection request credentials, wouldn’t the lines I previously deleted enter there?
There are two different sets of credentials. One used by the CPE to auth to the ACS and one for the ACS to auth to the CPE. Do you have any auth enabled on the CPE itself?
Device specific. Refresh all the CPE params in the ACS UI. Snapshot the data in the ACS (use a script to pull down the JSON for the device). Make your change in the UI, refresh everything in the CPE again and compare the JSON.
According to the wiki documentation there are 2 types, CPE to ACS and ACS to CPE.
In order to apply changes in the ACS to CPE mode, I must configure 2 lines.
My config on ONT
Web server URL
user name hgw
Password ••••
Connection request URL
Connection request user name ACS
Connection request password ••••
Enable periodic reporting Check
Cycle reporting time 43200 second
Use certificate or not Not Check
You do not need to change these lines if you use the default GenieACS inform script. GenieACS will set per CPE connection request credentials. Remove the connection request username/password you have configured in your CPE.
Here is an abbreviated version of the default inform script:
// Device ID as username
const username = declare("DeviceID.ID", {value: 1}).value[0];
const now = Date.now();
// Password will be fixed for a given device because Math.random() is seeded with device ID by default.
const password = Math.trunc(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36);
// Refresh values daily
const daily = Date.now(86400000);
// Unique inform offset per device for better load distribution
const informTime = daily % 86400000;
declare("InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestUsername", {value: daily}, {value: username});
declare("InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestPassword", {value: daily}, {value: password});
declare("Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestPassword", {value: daily}, {value: password});
declare("Device.ManagementServer.PeriodicInformEnable", {value: daily}, {value: true});
Delete the 2 configuration lines, delete the genieacs ont, restart the ONT, when consulting it again and trying to make any modifications you get the same error.