Two different model of CPE

Hi All,

I have Geneiacs project, In that we have two different models (xxxx, yyyy) both have device parameters. But I have to collect imsi and cellid parameter for both . But if declare both cellid in same or different presets for each then XXXX CPE imsi and cellid is not reading by acs it shows null even though device sending to ACS server.

But YYYY CPE is working all the time

how to resolve this issue.

Can you share screenshots and the code that you’re using?

_id: ‘locationChangePeriodic_R2314M-JP’,
weight: 0,
channel: ‘locationChangeNew’,
events: { ‘2 PERIODIC’: true },
precondition: ‘DeviceID.ProductClass = “R2314M-JP”’,
configurations: [
type: ‘provision’,
name: ‘locationChange2’,
args: [
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘DeviceID.ID’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘DeviceID.ProductClass’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.IMEI’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Events.Inform’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.USIM.IMSI’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.X_00C002_CellInfo.CGI’ ]
_id: ‘locationChangePeriodic_IDU503’,
weight: 0,
channel: ‘locationChangeNew’,
events: { ‘2 PERIODIC’: true },
precondition: ‘DeviceID.ProductClass = “IDU503”’,
configurations: [
type: ‘provision’,
name: ‘locationChange2’,
args: [
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘DeviceID.ID’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘DeviceID.ProductClass’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.IMEI’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Events.Inform’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.USIM.IMSI’ ],
[ ‘PARAM’, ‘Device.Cellular.Interface.1.X_001558_CellInfo.CGI’ ]

these are two presets using for two different models

and using same open source geniacs code.

Here locationChangePeriodic_R2314M-JP - imsi and cgi is coming null even though device is sending which captured in debug logs only acs is not reading after i added presets for IDU503

If you were able to get values prior to adding the 503 script, can you confirm which scripts are being run when the R2314M-JP device is communicating with the ACS?

You may need to add a logger in your scripts.