GenieACS isn’t obscuring the last 4 values (unless you wrote a custom extension to do so). This is being done by the CPE. To verify this, add
"DEBUG-<acs_id>": true
To your genieacs/config/config.json file and restart the CWMP process. Then refresh the value and look in genieacs/debug/<acs_id>.dump. You will find the CPE is sending the value back with the asterisks.
anybody knows if it’s possible to enable debugging for a single device in v1.2 ? I tried all I could think of but it’s ignoring the line:
Ignoring invalid environment assignment 'DEBUG_…
Ignoring invalid environment assignment 'DEBUG-…
Ignoring invalid environment assignment 'GENIEACS_DEBUG_…
Ignoring invalid environment assignment 'GENIEACS_DEBUG-…