Preset does not apply entirely if the parameters don't exist 1.1

Hi, I have a situation where a particular preset does not apply entirely if the parameters inside are not known to the CPE.

I know I can refresh it before applying the preset but I wonder why is it that way. For example, the CPE I am provisioning has the entire tree starting from Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile. unknown.

If I set in the preset Device.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1.JustAnExample to 100, GenieACS skips it. But if I set another parameter known to the router in the same preset, then it gets executed.

Why this behaviour in GenieACS 1.1? Thanks

Setting values via presets is deprecated in v1.2 I believe. Use a preset to kick off a provision script, then your issue will go away.

Thank you @akcoder

I am managing a GenieACS 1.1 server that I didn’t deploy so I would like to be able to do it through presets, so I don’t break/change things

You can use provision scripts with v1.1. Doing so won’t break things.

I moved all SPV’s out of presets and into provision scripts a long time ago. Works great!

As @akcoder said, it’s trivial to move your config from the preset to a script. But in any case what you’re describing sounds like it may be a bug. I’ll look into it.

Thank you both,

What I meant is that GenieACS is provisioned through an external system which I don’t even control. That system uses only presets, so I prefer not to change the way they work, because I am not even related to them.

Let’s see if it is a bug. The external system usually performs a refresh on every new CPE, but they deactivated it for some CPEs as it was doing more harm than good, and I think they started doing a refreshObject for all CPEs due to this particular problem. Just guessing why are they doing it.