Hi everyone,
Is there a way to provision the CPEs locally using a DHCP server as soon as we get a customer onboard and then ship the CPE to the end user as plug and connect online scenario 
At the minute, we do the whole configuration manually and set up the WiFi SSID + Password, PPPoE Username + Password and a few remote management settings.
We provide TP-Link VX & EX Aginet series and planing to test Zyxel too soon.
Is anyone available to support/help? - Open to offers.
When CPE connect to server, on inform provision you can set tags, use this tags to trigger a provision script by preset and configure all you want
I finally set up the DHCP option 43, and it is working. The CPE is connecting to the GenieACS 
Now, I must find the right way to secure the GenieACS, the CPE → ACS authentication. Because I searched on the community here and I cannot understand which one is the right one 
CPE → ACS authentication is typically something you would have pre-set in the CPE before you deploy it. ACS → CPE is automatically set by the ACS (if you haven’t deleted the default inform script).
For CPE → ACS auth, go to Admin → Config. Then add a new config with key of cwmp.connectionRequestAuth
with a value that matches your environment:
AUTH(username, password) OR AUTH("yourUsername", "yourPassword")
Please note, this part AUTH(username, password) OR
is not in error.
Thanks @akcoder
In the value field, can I have both options?
something like - AUTH(testuser, testpassword) OR AUTH(“testuser”, “testpassword”)
You are missing the first part, which I mentioned was not in error.
AUTH(username, password) OR
And yes, thats the purpose of the OR
in there.
Then it means the value should be AUTH(username, password) OR AUTH("testuser", "testpassword")
do you have any idea why I get ** DISCOVERYSERVICE-DISCOVERYSERVICE-ICaFUhUkEB** in my device list? (check the image below.
can you please tell me what kind of cpe’s you’re able to add automatically with option 43? because i’m trying with some brand and i can’t make it work…
Thx in advance
Comtrend, Zyxel, SmartRG, Adtran are the 4 that I’ve used which support DHCP option 43.
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