where i will get cwmp log files, in /var/log, i have 4-files for 4 services. in that i have genieacs.ui.access.log , in that only i am getting log files.
i have genieacs-cwmp.access.log, i am not getting any log files.
i want to troubleshoot , why i am not connecting ONU to genieacs.
if you started the services with systemd, as indicated in the install instructions, you should be able to watch the logs with journalctl -f -u genieacs-cwmp
any other logs should appear below … If no device connects to the ACS you won’t see any access logs.
If you want for the logs to go to a file, add the following in the genieacs.env file: GENIEACS_CWMP_ACCESS_LOG_FILE=/var/log/genieacs-cwmp_access.log