Custom hyperlinks in UI?

Is there any way to make a certain field a hyperlink to a device? For instance, I was thinking it would be nice if I could make the IP address field in the device index a link to bring the user to the web interface on the device.

Here is how you accomplish that in v1.1. I haven’t upgraded to v1.2, so I can’t tell you if things have changed.

# /genieacs-gui/config/parameter_renderers/serial_number_link.rb
def serial_number_link(val)
    "<a href=\"https://#{val}/\" target=\"_blank\">#{val}</a>"
# /genieacs-gui/config/parameter_renderers.yml
_deviceId._SerialNumber: serial_number_link

Then restart the GUI.

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Any updates regarding v1.2?

I wrote a small patch for links with the device ID:

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