Can I post a task that has User and Password?

I’m using GenieACS and Genieacs-sim. I have changed some files in genieacs-sim, so that from now on this simulator asks for User and Password, for example when the ACS sends some message to it.

So, if I execute :

curl -i ‘http://localhost:7557/devices/202BC1-BM632w-000000/tasks?timeout=3000&connection_request’ -X POST --data ‘{“name”: “refreshObject”, “objectName”: “Events.Inform”}’

I will get the following result:

HTTP/1.1 202 Basic HTTP authentication not allowed

In this case, can I use GenieACS API Rest or something else in GenieACS, so that it will be possible to define the User and the Password in such POST?
I guess I should add User and Password in that POST, by means of curl, shouldn’t I ?

P.S.: I read the similar topics from this forum.

Best regards.

This is a connection request error. Genie by default doesn’t like sending Basic auth over HTTP connection for obvious security reasons. Set the config ‘CONNECTION_REQUEST_ALLOW_BASIC_AUTH’ to true to override this.

Ok. I will try this. Thank you!