API Refresh Parameters Issue


I have read many topics in this forms and i didn’t fins any solution / answer for my question.
I have the below in my “default” provision:

I have delcare “InternetGatewayDevice” to refresh it and its all sub nodes but it does not work, also when i use ({“name”: “refreshObject”, “objectName”: “*”}) from the refresh API the sub nodes values does not return.
Its only work when i hit the “Summon” button manual.

Please check the below:
1- Using the API to Get the (InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice) Values (I want all sub nodes values) without hit summon button manually:

  • i have refresh all the parameters ({“name”: “refreshObject”, “objectName”: “*”})
  • i have refresh (InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice)
    output (POSTMAN):

2- After hit the summon button manually and then use the API to get the values:

All sub nodes values is here !!

Please i need help to use the API to get the sub nodes values at anytime i want.
NOTE: All photos will be uploaded on the comments due to upload restriction.

1- Using the API to Get the (InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice) Values (I want all sub nodes values) without hit summon button manually:

  • i have refresh all the parameters ({“name”: “refreshObject”, “objectName”: “*”})
  • i have refresh (InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice)
    output (POSTMAN):

2- After hit the summon button manually and then use the API to get the values:

All sub nodes values is here !!

Any Help Here ?

This may help What is CURL equivalent for GenieACS “SUMMON” button?

As i mentioned in the comments its not work.