Use of curl deleteObject doesn't work

I am trying to configure GenieACS 1.2.5 by curl program.

According to the example in documentation, I’m using the command

curl -i ‘http://localhost:7557/devices/123456-171-708190393000001/tasks?timeout=3000&connection_request
–data ‘{“name”:“deleteObject”,“objectName”:“InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1”}’

to delete InternetGatewayDevice.Services.VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.1 ,that is present on the device.

The result is that genieACS sends HTTP GET for connect request, then the device opens cwmp session, but genieACS doesn’t send the DeleteObject rpc during cwmp session.

What is wrong ?

Thank you in advance.

If you would like resolution with this, you will need to post debug logs. Environment Variables — GenieACS Documentation 1.2.5 documentation

You will need to restart the cwmp process after setting those variables. In the gui, you will need to set DEBUG- to true. I don’t know where that option is in 1.2, as we haven’t upgraded yet.

Thanks for your help, sorry for the delay.
This is the genieacs-debug.yaml file

produced following the command

curl -i ‘http: // localhost: 7557 / devices / 00D0D6-171-708190393000001 / tasks? timeout = 3000 & connection_request’ -X POST --data '{“name”: “deleteObject”, “objectName”: "InternetGatewayDevice.Services .VoiceService.1.VoiceProfile.2 "} ’

Thanks in advance.