I followed the oficial instructions.
I built from source: clone genieacs 1.2.3 then cd into the source directory then run:
npm install
npm run build
I followed installation guide:
when I wrote in my web browser: http://IP:3000 a fabulous Wizard page appears and the message:
“An administrator user has been created for you. Use admin/admin to log in. Don’t forget to change the default password”
Then I tried to log in with admin/admin and
“UI_JWT_SECRET is not set”
I found someone with similar problem: A sneak peek at GenieACS’s new UI but at Genieacs 1.2.3 where is the config.json file?
What could I do?
There is no config.json file anymore.
You should have a file named genieacs.env in your install folder and this should contain (among other things) a line like this: GENIEACS_UI_JWT_SECRET= very_secret_secret
Furthermore my systemd entry for the ui looks like this:
Note the ending --ui-jwt-secret very_secret_secret
also noe that I have a variable named $installdir. Please replace that with your actual path, this is snagged from my install-script (yes, I install this on a semi-regular basis…).
Does this information still hold for Genieacs 1.2.5? Cause I’m getting the same error reply but couldn’t find the file genieacs.env anywhere on my system. If not, what to do in my case?
Hi, yes, but you need to create it and pass it to the systemd service unit file.
From the official installation guide: Create the file /opt/genieacs/genieacs.env to hold our configuration options which we pass to GenieACS as environment variables. See Environment Variables section for a list of all available configuration options.
that is strange, about two months ago I did two fresh installs in two linuxes (one Debian, one Slackware) and it worked just fine for me. Of course I used the latest stable version, as per documentation.