Trouble with Logging

Hello all:
I’m trying to write some integrations to be fired on boot, and as the first step in troubleshooting and making sure our scripts are running, I’m attempting to log a message (TESTING) to ensure we can find our output and verify our scripts are running.

Unfortunately, we cannot find our log anywhere. I can find the genieacs.cwm.access.log, and I can see an entry for my test serial number do an inform with 1 BOOT category, but I never see my log output.

Here’s my bootstrap code:

const now =;

//let serialNumber = declare("DeviceID.SerialNumber", {value: 1}).value[0];

//let config = ext('VISPSerial','main',serialNumber);
clear("Device", now);
clear("InternetGatewayDevice", now);


I have under presets both the stock 0 BOOTSTRAP entry and another one for 1 BOOT linked to that provision:
 Boot boot 0 1 BOOT bootstrap Show

Not really sure where to go from here…Is there something that needs to be turned on for logging to work correctly?

BTW: we’ve tested it with both console.log() and just log()


If it is not working, then you must have some sort of environment issue. Below is a cut n paste of a working entry.

log('Device_Eval: Reached End of Script');