See variable output


Since we can’t print any output in GenieACS, I was wondering if anyone as any way to see the contain of a variable to help debug provisioning script ?

I tried to print it into a tag but it don’t seems to work. Example

let wanStatus = declare("Device.X_TP_GPON.Link.3.Status", {value: 1}).value[0];
declare("Tags.${wanStatus}", now, {value: true});

Is their any other way than push those variables to an external script to print it on file ?



if you just want to see the value of wanStatus, you can log it:

let wanStatus = declare("Device.X_TP_GPON.Link.3.Status", {value: 1}).value[0];

It will be printed in your cwmp log file, usually is /var/log/genieacs/genieacs-cwmp-access.log

Thanks you Felipe. I will try that.