How to add a Huawei ONU EG8141A5 to GenieACS

Hi everyone,
I have been trying to connect one ONU Huawei EG8141A5 to a Genie ACS server, but I couldn’t. I looked for everywhere but i couldn’t find some configuration guide to do this.
All I have done is configure the following:

ASC URL: http://my-ACS-IP:3000/
ACS Username: my user
ACS Password: my pass
Connection Request User Name: Same as “ACS Username”
Connection Request Password: Same as “ACS Password”

and then nothing happend
I don’t really know how i should set this up…or where I have to look for the information.
Could someone please help me?

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You are using the wrong URL. The correct url is http://ip_address:7547/


Hi akcoder,
thank you for your reply. I suppose that must there be something else, because i changed that, and nothing happened.

Is that port open on the firewall?

What is in the logs on the CPE?

This is the message in the log of the CPE:

2020-08-24 10:56:41 [Critical][Config-Log] Terminal:WEB(ServerIP),Result:Success,Type:Set,InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer:,URL:
2020-08-24 10:57:05 [Critical][Config-Log] Terminal:WEB(ServerIP),Result:Success,Type:Set,InternetGatewayDevice.ManagementServer:,URL:

I didn’t set up anything about firewall stuff. May be here is the problem…How can I do this?
I don’t know what have i to put in the following lines of the CPE nor where I should find the information to complete the form:

Connection Request User Name
Connection Request Password

Match those values with the one that you configured values in your ACS server.

I just recently can connect it each other, but now i can’t give the internet connection from ACS to the ONT, although I suppouse it won’t be a big deal.
The thing i did was put the following command into the OLT after i configured the tr069 server profile:

OLT(config-if-gpon-0/0)#ont tr069-server-config 3 0 profile-id 1

thanks at all!

Hi Mayo

you could configure this parameters through omci?
Connection Request User Name: Same as “ACS Username”
Connection Request Password: Same as “ACS Password”

in the profile id?
profile-id 1

where we will get CPE logs

Hai Mayo, I am also experiencing the same problem as you, can you tell me how you were finally able to connect your Huawei to the event, it would help if you could tell the story.

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Hi there,
I solved the problem. I added a new WAN TR 069 1_TR069_INTERNET_R_VID_101 on the ONT and everything worked fine.

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for the future, may some of us need that.

Config for OLT ma5608t
i added:
ont tr069-server-profile add profile-id 3 profile-name "tr069-server-profile_3" url "172.XX.X.42:7547" user admin admin

and on ont-profile

ont-lineprofile gpon profile-id 20 profile-name "line-prof-comnet-20"
  tr069-management enable
  tr069-management ip-index 1
  tcont 1 dba-profile-id 10
  tcont 2 dba-profile-id 20
  gem add 1 eth tcont 1
  gem add 2 eth tcont 1
  gem add 3 eth tcont 2
  gem mapping 1 1 vlan 1100
  gem mapping 2 2 vlan 1069
  gem mapping 3 3 vlan 407

and adding the ONT itself:

ont add 0 sn-auth "48575443DA7AB82D" omci ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 10 desc "GPON_Abonent"

service-port vlan 1100 gpon 0/0/0 ont 0 gemport 1 multi-service user-vlan 1100 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 10 outbound traffic-table index 10
service-port vlan 1069 gpon 0/0/0 ont 0 gemport 2 multi-service user-vlan 1069 tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table index 100 outbound traffic-table index 100

ont ipconfig 0 0 ip-index 1 dhcp vlan 1069 priority 5
ont tr069-server-config 0 0 profile-id 3

Do not Forget about connectivity. from that VLAN. URL in my case offered by DHCP Server in that VLAN.

Stay curios.


Hello Mayo, I read that you solved the problem, could you please tell me the step by step since I have not been able to add the ONT to GenieAcs. I have the ONT configuration complete, I think I’m missing something on the server side.
Might you help me?

Hello how are you? Did you add the type of service (tr069_internet) from the olt by commands or via the web from the same onu? Every time I do it from the olt it only accepts the type of service: internet.

Hi Yes! I have created profile tr069_internet from ONU but still it is not added on Genie server. I installed a virtual machine and made a connection through VPN, the ONUs respond to a ping from the VM, but they do not reach the GenieACS Server.
I don’t know what I might be missing.

Hello @Jhonny!

This is my configuration on the ONT side:

Please, check that you are using port 7547 and you have TR-069 in your WAN configuration.
The ONT must ping ACS server.

I will share my provisioning config with you. This configuration sets TR069 on the ONT from the OLT. You can adapt it to your needs.

interface gpon ${onu_frame_slot}
ont confirm ${onu_port} sn-auth ${onu_serial1} omci ont-lineprofile-name ${lineprofile-name} ont-srvprofile-name ${onu_model} desc "${conection_name_pk}
service-port vlan ${vlan_service} gpon ${onu_frame_slot_port} ont ${onu_position} gemport ${gemport-num} multi-service user-vlan ${vlan_service} tag-transform translate inbound traffic-table name ${plan_up} outbound traffic-table name ${plan_down}
interface gpon ${onu_frame_slot}
ont port native-vlan ${onu_port} ${onu_position} eth 1 vlan ${vlan_service}
ont ipconfig ${onu_port} ${onu_position} ip-index 0 dhcp vlan ${vlan_servicio}
ont wan-config ${onu_port} ${onu_position} ip-index 0 profile-name ${profilename}
ont policy-route-config ${onu_port} ${onu_position} profile-name ${policyname}
ont internet-config ${onu_port} ${onu_position} ip-index 0
ont port route ${onu_port} ${onu_position} eth 1-4 enable
ont wan-access http ${onu_frame_slot_port} ${onu_position} enable

Hello Joan, I confirm that I have the TR69 INTERNET profile in the WAN configuration.
From the VM the ONTs respond to me with Ping, but they are not added to the Genie… Do I have to make any configuration in the OLT or in the Genie Server itself?

In addition to the configuration that is made in the ONT

I am trying to connect a Huawei HG8546M device and I cannot find documentation to be able to do this. It just doesn’t connect.
Configure within the ACS device URL: my_ip:7547, ACS User Name, ACS Password, Connection Request User Name and Connection Request Password with “admin”. I configured the last parameters like this since in Genie within config I created cwmp.auth and cwmp.connectionRequestAuth with the parameter AUTH(“admin”, “admin”).
I would appreciate your help.

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Hello, I’m trying to configure this online too and I can’t, can you help me?

I already configured it on the ont wan as (tr069_internet)

at ACS URL: http://ip-adress-acs:7547
in ACS User Name: my ACS user
ACS Password: acs user password
however it does not communicate with the genieacs server
Do I have to do anything else on the ont?
Do I have to configure something in the olt?

Hola, estoy en la misma situación… Lograste solucionar?