Queue tasks (No connection request)


Just trying out GenieACS and wanted to know if it’s possible via the UI to queue up tasks that get processed on next inform rather than using the connection request functionality?

Currently whenever performing an action such as Reboot via the UI the task fails because the connection request fails.

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I would also like that feature for the UI.
Sometimes I have clients, where I can not issue a connection request. But I have to change values and do not like to use the API interface for some simple manual changes.


Same here. As my CPEs are behind nat, I can not use the connection request feature.
At this time the only solution is to create a provision that does the same action, but it would be easier if the taks remains in the queue after the connection request fails.

I am considering adding an option in the task list pop-up to make tasks stick if the CPE is not reachable. There’s a few decisions to be made around how persistent tasks should be displayed. I’d rather not add another tab for tasks if I can avoid it.

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ok, thanks, that would be a great improvement for us :slight_smile:

Any update/further thoughts?

Not yet I’m afraid. Maybe I’ll have an update in another coupe of months.

Certainly, something that we’d like to see too. With a lot of devices in environments where direct access isn’t possible so we have to wait for the next request from it, it would be very useful.

My 2 cents:

  • Show pending tasks for the device on the device page in a similar way as showing faults (but maybe take into
  • Add to the task queue if ping fails
  • Add to the task queue if the connection request fails
  • Make it possible to delete pending tasks in a similar way that you can delete faults

However, the list of pending tasks can be large if the device has been unreachable for a long time - so just listing all the pending tasks could overwhelm the user or lock up their browser.

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Hello All,

Does anyone know if there has been any developments on this? Is there now a plan in place for this very useful feature - or has it perhaps already been implemented?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Best regards,



i m facing same problem, with connection request in Genieacs 1.2.5
devices are showing online, when i doing reboot, it is giving error, device is offline