Hi guys, I’m basically testing my provision script
I created a trivial ext script cpe-config.js with this code:
function resetPppoe(args, callback) {
let json = require('....genieacs/config/ext/cpe-config.json');
console.log('Returning credentials to client', json);
return callback(null, json);
exports.resetPppoe = resetPppoe;
This script require this json:
"CodiceCliente" :"154522",
"pppoe_username": "blabla@bla',
"pppoe_password": "iequ2Aizee"
In the log return this, but the pppoe it was not pushed on the CPE:
Returning credentials to client [ { CodiceCliente: '154522',
NomeCliente: 'boh',
SerialNumber: '48575443677B5B9E',
pppoe_username: 'blabla@bla',
pppoe_password: 'iequ2Aizee' } ]
my approach is wrong?