I’ve installed GenieACS version v1.2.13+240606fc80 and stuntman server in the same server to handle my router behind NAT.
GenieACS( —— NAT(WAN: —Router(WAN:
./stunserver --primaryadvertised --reuseaddr true --verbosity 8

Everything looks good.
But when Genie send UDPConnectionRequest, router no response, like this.
I suspect that the UDPConnectionRequest sent by GenieACS is abnormal, so I write a python script to send UDPConnectionRequest. As you see, it works.
Here is Genie’s debug log:
event: outgoing UDP message
timestamp: 2024-10-28T12:06:51.608Z
deviceId: 00FF00-H27BE-00FF0041CD1C
remotePort: 3478
body: “GET HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n”
I doubt if the “sig” has wrong value, can you tell me how it generates. @zolitacs
This is how my python script generates the “sig”:
id = 742197182
cn = ‘5ef1eb125ac90922’
un = ‘deco’
key = ‘test’
timestamp_ms = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
current_time = timestamp_ms()
ts = current_time
id += 1
text = str(ts) + str(id) + un + cn
hashed = hmac.new(key.encode(), text.encode(), sha1)
sig = hashed.hexdigest()