GenieACS Consultation

Good Afternoon

As the Subject Line suggests, I am posting today to seek out assistance with GenieACS.

To give some context, I work for a small WISP in South West Virginia as a Network Systems Manager. The company has seen some sizable growth over the last couple years, and so, my higher-ups have tasked me to research ACS Solutions. Currently I have NO experience with ACS/TR-069, and have only gotten as far as setting up a GenieACS instance and connecting a couple devices.

I want to look into a solution we can host internally first not only to learn more about the possibilities of GenieACS, but to see if it can provide everything we need.

What I am hoping is someone on this forum can help us. Mainly we would be looking for a consultant who has experience with GenieACS deployments and with getting different makes/models/manufactures connected. For anyone interested, we would first want to setup a chat to discuss our goals and get some insight into what to expect, along with any compensation.

Please feel free to respond to this post and I will gladly answer any questions you may have. If you would like to offer your services, please provide an email, or preferred method of contact.

Thank You!!!