Hello, “is there a keep connection alive timer” in the genieacs configuration that I can change? Here is my problem :
When I push a file .alter" from genieacs to my Mikrotik router, my script can not finish and end with error. This happens after exactly 60 sec.
GenieACS return an error “cwmp.9010”. I read the forum some suggest to modify config.json but this file doenst exist in my server. I tried to add this :
in genieacs.env file… no success.
Someone can give help?
Did you restart the CWMP process after changing those values?
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart genieacs-cwmp
sudo systemctl restart genieacs-nbi
sudo systemctl restart genieacs-fs
sudo systemctl restart genieacs-ui
from my mikoritk log and debug logs.
My understanding is that the red rectangle indicate the sessions with GenieACS has started, in blue, the log from the script in the .alter file, wich is correct. 60 sec after that, we have a script error in the red. In orange the returning message from the mikoritk to the server indicating there is a problem with the command.
My .alter file contains a scrip that is simple as , print a log : Initialyze, wait 120sec then print a log : ended. This is for debug only. The scrip print the first line, then goes to the second wich indicate to wait 120 befor switching to the third one. But it doesnt wait 120 sec. It waits 60 and the crash.
also tried this morning to add config.json and some parameters such as keepalive and reboot services with no luck,
Anyone in this situation?