GenieACS 1.2.7 released

This is a quick update to address a couple of critical regression bugs in v1.2.6. If you’ve already updated or in the process of updating your GenieACS deployment to v1.2.6 (and only v1.2.6) then it’s strongly advised to update to v1.2.7 immediately.


This should probably be tagged under announcements? The 1.2.6 released post is still at the top of the forum for some reason instead of this one.

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Done. Thanks for the heads up.


hi, zaidka.I installed version 1.2.7 genieacs in the Ubuntu 18.04 system again, and I completed the installation as documented( Now that I want to configure ssl, which generates two keys using OpenSSL, I have changed the environment variables in the /opt/genieacs/genieacs.env file. But I didn’t find the documentation to configure the FS_SSL, what do I need to do?(by the way,I’m a rookie, first installed using genieacs)


i already configured it.

Did you restart the fs service?

yes,it doesn’t work.i dont know can i to config“_SSL" just like the method says。And i think something wrong with my genieacs,it has only 4 options
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No pictures are showing… Can you try uploading them again.

Again, like I said you need to put in entries for the FS SSL. You have configured the CWMP ssl.


thx,i will try to do