I try to make a connection request from the GenieACS but I always get the “Incorrect connection request credentials” message.
I read the other thread about this problem but my problem is not the same.
If I made a call with curl from the same machine, it triggers the connection request :
curl -i -u USERNAME:PASSWORD http://MY_CPE_IP:7547/cpe --digest
Answer :
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: YAPS
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=“YapsieWorld”, qop=“auth”, nonce=“3d8ceffbe336ca61b1f983ae8325f8fc”, opaque=“e7c334cb94a7595234eaf7995785f445”
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: YAPS
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
And I can see in the geniacs-cwmp that the connection request has been triggered immediatly.
I used wireshark to capture the difference between the curl query and the GenieACS one, the only difference I see is the cnonce with curl is much bigger :
GenieACS :
Digest username=“USERNAME”,realm=“YapsieWorld”,nonce=“32857f8d6076974084b2c9bb23c0655f”,uri="/cpe",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce=“690cb04b5a5de2e7”,response=“cd5988750e35ab5f6031b5b0b833f633”,opaque=“1d83896d386c34d863a8d888cbdb9338”
Curl :
Digest username=“USERNAME”,realm=“YapsieWorld”,nonce=“0384f9417161ce3c5c826b1c15d0a751”,uri="/cpe",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce=“MGM1N2VjMjE3M2ZhM2FiN2FlZTE4NmY2ZjE1NzNjYmE=”,response=“4e0293b12cd04a63501d728ede5beefa”,opaque=“d428476e9c92879e4cccc04e096b96ea”
Is there a config to set to solve this issue in GenieACS ?
Thank you and have a nice day !