Available parameters for AUTH and EXT in cwmp.auth (v1.2.8)

When a CPE authenticates, I’m trying to make some decisions based on several pieces of information.

For example in cwmp.auth I have:

AUTH("cwmp-user", EXT("authenticate", "authorize", DeviceID.SerialNumber, Tags.Onboarding, Tags.Provisioning, Tags.Provisioned))

Which works, but I would like to make decisions in the extension script that will need to be based on the request, possibly the following:

  • standard and custom HTTP headers
    • x-forwarded-for, etc…
  • the current inform event
  • the username and password sent (basic auth)

Are there parameters or variables available to be passed into the EXT() script that could accomplish this?


It’s not possible to access the request headers unfortunately, but you can get the IP of the CPE using the function ‘REMOTE_ADDRESS()’. This works even if you have Genie behind a proxy, provided that the proxy server passes the standard ‘Forwarded’ header and Genie is configured to trust it.

if i put CWMP.auth only on true i get the device online but nothing works shows online but then inside its offline.

can this be the reason?

AUTH("cwmp-user", EXT("authenticate", "authorize", DeviceID.SerialNumber, Tags.Onboarding, Tags.Provisioning, Tags.Provisioned))

Thanks for the info about REMOTE_ADDRESS(). This may be enough for what we want to accomplish.