Authentication CPE

I would like to know if I did correctly in the authentication statements, I took a look at the documentation and the forum and left it as standard like this:

Key: cwmp.auth Value: AUTH(username, passworld) OR AUTH(“username”, “passworld”)

Key: cwmp.connectionRequestAuth Value: AUTH(username, passworld) OR AUTH(“username”, “passworld”)

Unless you are doing something funky, you almost never need to explicitly set cwmp.auth as that is handled out of the box by GenieACS.

cwmp.auth is for ACS → CPE authentication
cwmp.connectionRequestAuth is for CPE → ACS auth

I understood, but I did this because I’m having many CPEs being discovered, kind of without authentication.

So, just in case, I need to put cwmp.connectionRequestAuth, but even so, it’s still discovering unknown CPEs. I haven’t seen in the forum how to deal with this yet.