ACL list in Routers RODACOM (Huawei in disguise)

up until now we have been using several models of huawei routers (the only brand we can use since the OLT is also Huawei). now we are currently testing a CPE “brand” which is really huawei inside :

even the model number is the same as the typical Huawei EG8141A5. But some portions of the cpe menu and some parameters in the data model are changed:

for “normal” huawei I am using InternetGatewayDevice.X_HW_Security.AclServices.AccessControl.List

    cadena = "InternetGatewayDevice.X_HW_Security.AclServices.AccessControl.List.[";
    cadena += "Mode:0,";
    cadena += "Priority:1,";
    cadena += "ServicePort:\"TELNET,HTTP,SSH,FTP,ICMP,SAMBA\",";
    cadena += "SrcPortType:2,";
    cadena += "SrcPortName:" + ruta; // InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.1.WANIPConnection.1
    cadena += "]";

    declare( cadena, { path: }, { path: 1 } );

but for this brand I must use InternetGatewayDevice.X_HW_Security.AclServices.WanAccess

        declare( "InternetGatewayDevice.X_HW_Security.AclServices.WanAccess.*", null, { path: 0 } );
        cadena = 'InternetGatewayDevice.X_HW_Security.AclServices.WanAccess.[';
        cadena += 'Enable:1,';
        cadena += 'Protocol:"HTTP",';
        cadena += 'SrcIPPrefix:"",';
        cadena += 'WanName:"wan1.1.ip1"'; // here lies the real problem
        cadena += "]";

        declare( cadena, { path: }, { path: 1 } );

let’s says it works but there’s a catch. I have hard coded the WanName parameter, in this case wan1.1.ip1

I was unable to find where this interface name/alias comes from.

any clues?


Have you have refreshed the entire data model for the device and searched the params for wan1.1? I wonder if the interface name is a concatenation of a physical and virtual interface names?

good point. I did refreshed InternetGatewayDevice before trying to find it, but I will try again today with the others.
