We’re testing GenieACS and had this working on a standard config but when we’ve put this behind Nginx, it does not work “normally”.
Where as direct we’d see one request per device on each refresh, when behind Nginx, we see:
2020-07-27T23:05:58.638Z [INFO] 000413-snomD785-xxx: ACS request; acsRequestId="17392867ac3001b" acsRequestName="GetParameterNames"
2020-07-27T23:05:58.794Z [INFO] 000413-snomD785-xxx: ACS request; acsRequestId="17392867ac3001c" acsRequestName="GetParameterNames"
2020-07-27T23:05:58.954Z [INFO] 000413-snomD785-xxx: ACS request; acsRequestId="17392867ac3001d" acsRequestName="GetParameterNames"
2020-07-27T23:05:59.115Z [INFO] 000413-snomD785-xxx: ACS request; acsRequestId="17392867ac3001e" acsRequestName="GetParameterNames"
Then followed by:
2020-07-27T23:05:59.267Z [WARN] 000413-snomD785-xxx: Channel has faulted; channel="bootstrap" retries=0 faultCode="too_many_commits" faultMessage="Too many commit iterations"
2020-07-27T23:05:59.268Z [WARN] 000413-snomD785-xxx: Channel has faulted; channel="default" retries=0 faultCode="too_many_commits" faultMessage="Too many commit iterations"
I can’t see anything in the docs but would there any anything obvious we’re missing or that isn’t documented?
(Nginx works for the web interface and fs services and we can also access the cwmp service which gives “405 Method Not Allowed” which is the same as when access it outside of nginx).