URI::InvalidURIError in Devices#show

Hello everyone,

Recently we have been testing a TP-Link router and trying to get it to work with our ACS Server.
With recent firmware updates the following problem has emerged with the GenieACS-GUI:

This error has appeared before and was typically fixed by changing the “path value” in the router:

But as of a few days ago we have not been able to “recover” the device with GenieACS-GUI. The base configuration of GenieACS-GUI hasn’t been modified apart from the “config/summary_parameters.yml” file. If we register the device on another GenieACS Server it works just fine.

Does anybody know what the problem could be?

Thank you,

Hi, i have the same problem. Have u a solution for this? i’m using a TP-LINK Archer XR500v.


You probably need to include information like what version of GenieACS you are using, what the value of the ConnectionRequestURL is, you will need to use the API to get this information as the GUI is choking on the value.