We have been having this issue of not being able to set more than 1 parameters to empty string in 1 setParameterValues task. We usually use NTP1 & NTP2 for testing and on CPE its own config page the 2 NTPs can be empty string at the same time. This happens to other parameters too.
The setParameterValues task would stay there forever, and from CPE’s log the task never got sent to the CPE. Following is how the task looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5eb2bf868d538000308509f5"),
"name" : "setParameterValues",
"parameterValues" : [
"device" : "20107A-LTE%20CPE-GMK180706007014",
"timestamp" : ISODate("2020-05-06T13:45:42.590Z")
Setting non-empty values to multiple parameters in 1 setParameterValues task has always been good. Setting only 1 parameter to empty string in 1 setParameterValues task has also been good.
Please let us know if this is a bug or we are doing something wrong.
Thank you.