Serviço não inicia

Olá pessoal, sou novo Aqui, instalei o genieacs porém na hora de iniciar os serviços, os mesmo não estão subindo!

Segui os a documentação, alguém aqui tem ideia pq o serviço não está agarrando?

Hi, please keep the topic in english.

We can’t help you without logs. Please, give more informations and logs about the error.

attached print of the error,

I followed the steps contained in this link, at the time of uploading the service I came across these errors.

could you see what I did wrong?

Could you run sudo systemctl edit --force --full genieacs-cwmp and show me?

Did you clone by github or installed by npm?

What versions of mongo and node are you using?

And please send all error, I can’t see in this image.

The node version is in the documentation

Then print the command you ask for
note: it was installed on unbuto 22.4.6


Ok, now run systemctl status genieacs-cwmp and show me please all error.

segue primeiro print do resultado do comando systemctl status genieacs-cwmp

Here is the first print of the result of the systemctl status genieacs-cwmp command

Here is the second print of the result of the systemctl status genieacs-cwmp command

You have you answer in front of you.
Can’t find bin of services.

Asking again, did you installed by github or npm?

The good one was installed npm

What you mean “the good one”?

Check if the files exists