You can put it in any provision script. What I typically do is have multiple provision scripts. I have one just for refreshing DSL stats. Another that is kicked off by 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE
, another for WAN and LAN data.
Here is one for refreshing DSL information every two days:
/* global declare:false */
const oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; // 60 secs / minute, 60 mins / hour, 24 hrs / day
const dslRefreshInterval = - (oneDay * 1.5);
const statsRefreshInterval = - (oneDay * 0.25);
const twoDaysAgo = - (oneDay * 2);
const paramNames = [
for(let key of paramNames) {
//log('Refreshing ATM key', {key: key});
declare(key, {path: twoDaysAgo, value: dslRefreshInterval});
// Refresh stats every 4 hours
declare('InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANDSLInterfaceConfig.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});
declare('Device.DSL.Line.*.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});
declare('Device.DSL.Channel.*.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});