Provision Based on OUI / Device Vendor


In Default Provision can i edit it so it declare values (update values) based on the device OUI / Vendor ?
Is the below provision is right ?

// set 5 minutes refresh parameter
const min =
const now =
const OUI = declare(“DeviceID.OUI”, {path:min, value:min});

if (OUI.value == “000271” || “40f21c”){
declare(“InternetGatewayDevice”, {path:min, value:min});
else if (OUI.value == “00259E”){
declare(“InternetGatewayDevice.DeviceInfo”, {path:min, value:min});
declare(“Device”, {path:min, value:min});

Why are you trying to refresh the entire object model for all of your devices? This is wildly inefficient and will slow down the provisioning process.

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This is as an example, i dont want to refresh the full model, i want to refresh specific parameters.
But is that right provision script ? since it does not work .

You can put it in any provision script. What I typically do is have multiple provision scripts. I have one just for refreshing DSL stats. Another that is kicked off by 8 DIAGNOSTICS COMPLETE, another for WAN and LAN data.

Here is one for refreshing DSL information every two days:

/* global declare:false */
const oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; // 60 secs / minute, 60 mins / hour, 24 hrs / day
const dslRefreshInterval = - (oneDay * 1.5);
const statsRefreshInterval = - (oneDay * 0.25);
const twoDaysAgo = - (oneDay * 2);

const paramNames = [

for(let key of paramNames) {
    //log('Refreshing ATM key', {key: key});
    declare(key, {path: twoDaysAgo, value: dslRefreshInterval});

// Refresh stats every 4 hours
declare('InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANDSLInterfaceConfig.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});
declare('Device.DSL.Line.*.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});
declare('Device.DSL.Channel.*.Stats.*.*', {path: twoDaysAgo, value: statsRefreshInterval});

Thank You for Help, Will check and get back to you if there are any issue.