How to set the url(file path) to other server rather than the genieacs server for firmware upgrade?

Hi all,

I put the firmware in other web server ( rather than the genieacs server (,
and I use below command in provisions.

declare(“Downloads.[FileType:1 Firmware Upgrade Image].FileName”, {value: 1}, {value: “”});

However, the easycwmp in the device side received the firmware url became to
It adds the redundant string “” in front of the firmware path and leads the new url to an invalid url
and make download failed.

How can I change the setting or modify the provision to make it not to add the redundant string “
in front the of url?


You can try editing your genieacs.env file and changing the line with GENIEACS_FS_URL_PREFIX to “”.


Then restart the cwmp process so the changes are read.