Hi there, I having an issue when I try to upgrade firmware trough api or even in the gui. Always return Device offline to me, but, when I push a device reboot, I receive the same message, however the reboot is successful completed.
Full error response: “faultCode: “9010”
faultString: Download failure
setParameterValuesFault: null”
I able to ping two sides, there is no firewall in the middle, I can retrieve all parameters from devices, but I can’t use any function to set something through the GUI.
Make sure the file download URL is reachable from the CPE. You can find what URL is being sent to the CPE by enabling debug log and inspecting the content of the Download request.
Good morning, I’m having problems provisioning the Huawei HG8245Q2 Software Version: V3R017C10S125, but I didn’t find newer firmware, could you make this version available? Or if possible the configuration you are using. I suspect that the problem I have is on WIFI 5.8.
Thank you very much.