Contribution to community - GenieACS 1.2.5 spanish GUI

Hi guys!

With the permission of admin @zaidka i want to share with you a little work that i was make. If this post is inapropiated, please delete it :wink:

I have done a translation of GenieACS GUI to Spanish language. You can download it from my repo in GitHub

This translation covers buttons, dialog boxes, texts, …

I hope you like it :slight_smile:



I’ve added new translations to GUI. You can download it at GitHub :ok_hand: :wink:

If you encounter any untranslated string, please advice me to update code!

Note: I’ll keep updating the code as I find values


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I’ve added new GenieACS v1.2.8 translations. You can download it at GitHub :ok_hand: :wink:

If you encounter any untranslated string, please advice me to update code!


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Exelente Trabajo, aremos una prueba y con gusto aporto lo que pueda.