Check installed version

Hi guys,
I have updated genieacs by running

sudo npm install -g genieacs@1.2.8

But I’m not sure if this is enough or even correct, how can I tell if I’m running that version?
I can’t find any reference on the UI.

Thank you, regards.

I can see the version on the Overview page right under the GenieACS logo.

Ok gracias Jesus.
Then I think I’m still in 1.2.4, because in my case it doesn’t show version number.


My system is running before this commit.
So my next question is how do I have to performe the upgrade?

I got this when I search for genieacs related folders

/usr/lib/node_modules/genieacs$ cat package.json | grep version "version": "1.2.8+20211027200938",

/usr/local/lib/node_modules/genieacs$ cat package.json | grep version
“version”: “1.2.3”,


Hi I think I solved it removing and reinstalling the genieacs npm package, it seems like the program was duplicated and was working from a local package instead of global.
Probably I followed and outdated guide to install it from the first time or I messed something.

Now is showing the current version under the logo as Jesus pointed out.

Thank you.