Can't seem to correctly create or display virtual parameters

Hello, I’m tying to create a virtual parameter using the unified MAC address example at the docs.

Ideally, I would want that virtual parameter to appear on the parameter list for all my devices without further trouble, but apparently it only appears on the parameter list after being fetched by a preset. So, I created a provision that declares the virtual parameter and a preset that is supposed to execute the provision for all devices when the server boots.

This is the virtual parameter:

this is the provision:

and this is the preset:

What am I doing wrong?

You have the preset configured to only run on 1 BOOT event. That means the preset will only run the provision script on boot of the CPE. Is that what you want? For testing purposes, I usually leave the events field blank.

Also, there is no need for a true precondition.

What I’d want is to run the provision script on demand, but skimming through the forum gave me the impression that I can’t. If I leave the event field blank, will the provision script be executed instantly?

The event field is used to tell GenieACS which events you want to trigger the particular preset.

So if you enter 1 BOOT then the preset will only run when the CPE sends a 1 BOOT event. If you’d like the preset to run every time (for something like this, I recommend running it only on boot, as the MAC address should not change), then you need to leave the event field empty.

Thanks for your help, the virtual parameter now appears in all my devices. Now, I’ll replace the MAC logic with a normalized IP address logic (what I actually set out to do), reboot the server and change the preset trigger event to 1 BOOT again.