I think you are referring to an experiment I made. go with the defaults values for all variables.
I forgot to ask an important question: what are you really trying to solve? how many cpe do you have ? or are you just planning ?

I did not change any default value until I met an exact problem with Worker overload

2020-02-17T09:22:17.249Z [WARN] Worker overloaded; droppedRequests=2 totalRequests=2 initiatedSessions=0 pid=1244
2020-02-17T09:22:27.232Z [WARN] Worker overloaded; droppedRequests=5 totalRequests=5 initiatedSessions=0 pid=1243

I did not know the background of changing MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS from default 20 to 200 can solve the problem. I guess that it could relate to the Server capacity (RAM. CPU) and the number of connected CPEs. This is the reason why I created this topic.

I had ~ 10k connected CPE, and inform every hour, 16 vCPU with 32GB of RAM.

According to @akcoder information, can I set MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = (10/3.5 * 30) = 86 for 10K CPE? (just compared the number of connected CPE)?
or MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS = 2 * 30 = 60 (when comparing CPU specs?)

Thank you!