API refreshObject muliple objects

Hi, I was curious if it’s possible send an refreshObject via the API to multiple objects?
I see on the API documentation section you could send multiple getParameterValues and multiple setParameterValues.

I have a list of about 5 objects which presently I’m sending individually via API.

That’s not possible because the GetParamterNames method in TR-069 only takes a single parameter. But you can send multiple tasks and only trigger connection request in the last request to have them all processed within the same session.

Awww ok. Thanks for the info, that makes sense now.

Hi ,

As i am new on this operations , can you please clarify what do you mean by trigger connection ?
After send a task like then i am getting and _id. How to procced and refresh this object ?

…/tasks?timeout=3000&connection_request’ --data ‘{“name”: “getParameterValues”, “parameterNames”: [“InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.3.WANPPPConnection.1.Stats.EthernetBytesReceived”],“status”:“pending” }’

Hi, the remote connection trigger is the &connection_request parameter in the URL. If you don’t add it on the API request, genieacs will queue the tasks and when you make a API call with it, it will send all the queue tasks in the same tr069 session.


Already add it but still the refresh of my object is not executed. I don’t know if something else is required in my command.

Adding connection_request is not a guarantee that the parameters will be refreshed, only that GenieACS will attempt a connection with the CPE. If the CPE is offline, or is not responding then nothing will happen.

What is in your cwmp log file?