405 Method Not Allowed

After successful installation when I try to use the ACS URL (http://:7547) in browser, its giving a message as “405 Method Not Allowed”.

When I give the same URL in one of my CWMP client, the client does not get added in WebUI of GeneiACS, which is running on 3000 port.

Any idea if is it normal? If yes, then how can I view the clients in server? What should be my ACS URL in CWMP client?

The port 7547 is for the ACS URL. The port 3000 is Genie’s UI.

Check the logs of genieacs-cwmp for any incoming requests from the device.


Yes, I am giving the ACS URL in my CWMP client as “http://:7547/”. And waiting for Clients @ 3000 port.