Virtualparameter chart issue regarding optical

I am currently experiencing an issue with the Optical Power filters in GenieACS, where all devices are categorizing under ‘Normal’ despite adjustments to the filter settings. We have conducted thorough troubleshooting, including verifying device values and reviewing configurations, but the problem persists. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.@akcoder

Optical Signal:
label: ‘“Optical Signal”’
color: “‘#00bd7c’”
filter: VirtualParameters.OpticalPower >= -21
label: “‘Normal’”
color: ‘“#c8d422”’
filter: VirtualParameters.OpticalPower < -28 And VirtualParameters.OpticalPower
> -30
label: “‘warning’”
color: ‘“#ff7a75”’
filter: VirtualParameters.OpticalPower <= -30
label: “‘critical’”

if i give -30 to first filter same all devices will show in normal

Are those ranges correct?

Issue has been solved after rearrange the script thanks

can you share your script, thanks