Vendor Configuration File download from provision problem

Hi all.

I have a problem with upload file with provision script:

declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File]", {path: 1}, {path: 1});
declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File].FileName", {value: 1}, {value: "backup_VLAN_922_HW_k33_SN_163432241774517.tar.gz"});
declare("Downloads.[FileType:3 Vendor Configuration File].Download", {value: 1}, {value:});
declare("Tags.conf", null, {value: true});
declare("Tags.NoConf", null, {value: false});

Problem: always “Download failure” error.

Same file, if i upload via gui push button, works well, CPE get it and change config.

Ports opened.

Please help me.

Problem was in my generate provision code, file name was wrong, sorry for that, please close the topic.