Service Start Error


I just installed new GenieACS on Ubuntu. But when I’m trying to run each of the services I’m getting following error:-

● genieacs-fs.service - GenieACS FS
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/genieacs-fs.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2021-11-12 16:58:34 UTC; 27min ago
Process: 12646 ExecStart=/usr/bin/genieacs-fs (code=exited, status=9)
Main PID: 12646 (code=exited, status=9)

Nov 12 16:58:34 ip-10-10-1-250 systemd[1]: Started GenieACS FS.
Nov 12 16:58:34 ip-10-10-1-250 genieacs-fs[12646]: node: --enable-source-maps is not allowed in NODE_OPTIO
Nov 12 16:58:34 ip-10-10-1-250 systemd[1]: genieacs-fs.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=9
Nov 12 16:58:34 ip-10-10-1-250 systemd[1]: genieacs-fs.service: Unit entered failed state.
Nov 12 16:58:34 ip-10-10-1-250 systemd[1]: genieacs-fs.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.

Find your node config file and look for NODE_OPTION(S) and remove --enable-source-maps, or ensure you are running the correct version of NodeJS.

“node: --enable-source-maps is not allowed in NODE_OPTIO”

Thanks for your response.

I re-installed GCAS and now services are up and running.