Quien con conocimientos en TR181

Quien con conocimientos en TR181

TR-181 is supported

Now that it’s compatible, how do I install it, can you show me? I’m notavo in ACS

Please, keep the conversation in english, this way more people can help you. Try to give more datails about what you need too

I already edited it in English I thought the page had a translation excuse me please

The documentation for GenieACS is at docs.genieacs.com. If you need more installation help, then I suggest you engage with a paid support contract by contacting sales@genieacs.com

Pero lo puedo instalar en una VPS o mejor dicho en un servidor en la nube?

But can I install it on a VPS or rather on a cloud server?

Si, lo puedes instalar GenieACS en cualquiera …Public or Private Cloud, Virtual Machines, Containers and Baremetal…
Yes, You can install GenieACS almost everywhere… Public or Private Cloud, Virtual Machines, Containers and Baremetal…
I just installed a Debian11 Baremetal, and took just 7minutes, following this procedure: Installation Guide — GenieACS Documentation 1.2.9 documentation

And I’ve installed it on cloud, using this one: Automatizando a implantação de um servidor GenieACS (TR-069) no Kubernetes usando Github Actions (CICD)