I want to unhide the WiFi password

I want to unhide the WiFi password. Can someone tell me how to do it? Below, I have provided the parameters. The password gets hidden like ****, and I want to show it



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It’s not possible to read password

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That is inaccurate. You can absolutely read a password value set via a provision script or task. What you cannot do (per the spec, although some devices violate this) is read back the contents of a parameter that has been designated as write only.

Que equipo estas tratando de conectar al GENIACS

I work at a small ISP and some clients call asking for their password, because they have lost it or changed it and don’t remember it. Sometimes, we can change it again, but other times they insist on remembering the previous one… All our equipment is Huawei. How could I read those keys if the client requested them?

Regards from Spain.

If Huawei is following the spec, you cannot read them. The only way to know the passphrase is to store it in another system. I store the passphrase in our subscriber management system, encrypted of course.

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