How to request 50 GPV in provision

I need to get approx 50 GPV in the provisioning script, but it is giving the error ‘Too many commit iterations.’ Also I’m calling declare() in a loop? Is there another approach to use declare for a list?

// Define an object to store the paths and their corresponding values
const paths = {};

// Define an array of parameters you want to declare
const parametersToDeclare = [

// Declare the specified parameters and store their values
for (let parameter of parametersToDeclare) {
  let s = declare(parameter, { path:, value: });

  if (s.size) {
    for (let p of s) {
      if (p.path && p.value) {
        paths[p.path] = p.value[0]; // Assign the value to the corresponding path in the paths object

const postData = JSON.stringify({
  parameterValues: paths // Use the paths object in the JSON object

const res = ext("http-request", "sendHttpPost", postData);

if (res) {
  // Check the HTTP response status code
  log("Response from server:", JSON.stringify(res));
} else {
  log("Error sending HTTP request.");

Try changing this line: let s = declare(parameter, { path:, value: });
to this:

    let s = declare(parameter, { value: });

There is no need to refresh the path all the time.

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