How to convert RXPower value to dBm

i need help,
in this case the value of RXPower ONT zte not showing as dBm value,
how to convert this?
i use vparam.

To calculate power, use the following formula:
power = ont_rxpower / 10000.0
ont_rxpower_db = round(10 * math.log10(power), 2)

Let’s calculate the value by following the steps from the provided Python script. If ont_rxpower is 54, then:

First, it is divided by 10,000:
power = 54 /10000 = 0.0054

Then, calculate the base 10 logarithm of that value and multiply by 10:
ont_rxpower_db = 10 Γ— log (0.0054)
Let’s compute this using Python or any scientific calculator to get the exact value. Performing the calculation:

log (0.0054)β‰ˆβˆ’2.267 aprox


After rounding to two decimals, we get approximately:

ont_rxpower_db = βˆ’22.67 dB
ont_rxpower_db=βˆ’22.67 dB
Thus, the result would be -22.67 dB, which is the value in decibels for ont_rxpower equal to 54 using the given formula and calculation process.
log is en base 10

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