I guys, i have few time using GenieACS and i have a little question for you 
I have several Huawei ONT and i’m making a provision script for VoIP. I can set sucessfully every parameter such as remote server, remote port, username,… but i need to set the associated wan interface for voice.
In this ONT, there are three wan interfaces (tr069, internet and voice). The wan interface for TR069 always have an InstanceID=1, but wan interface for voice have an InstanceID=2 or sometimes InstanceID=3.
I need to know if is possible to get/read the instance ID of voice wan interface via provision script.
The path for that is:
Any ideas?
Something like this:
let iface = declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.*.WANConnectionDevice.*.WANPPPConnection.[Name:voice]", {path: Date.now()});
Hi akcoder and thanks by your help!
I was try your code, but GenieACS returns me an ‘undefined path’.
The code i’m using is this:
const now = Date.now();
let iface = declare("InternetGatewayDevice.WANDevice.1.WANConnectionDevice.*.WANIPConnection.1.[X_HW_SERVICELIST:VOIP]", {path: now});
log("Interface " + iface[0].path);
And GenieACS returns me this error:
Channel has faulted; channel="testing" retries=0 faultCode="script.TypeError" faultMessage="Cannot read property 'path' of undefined"
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You will need to loop through and check. Look at the provisioning script examples on the wiki.