Genieacs API - addObject doesn't return instance ID

So… I’ve battled this exact use case before and I can tell you to quote Steve Jobs, your “holding (doing) it wrong” :slight_smile:

First off, because of the underlying async nature of how communication with the CPE occurs, its going to be near impossible to get the instance ID. Genie does a good job of trying to make the async communication with the CPE appear synchronous, but at a fundamental level the addObject could actually occur at any point in time (now, or hours from now).

So here is how you want to handle this.

Create a provision script called PortForwards using this code.

Create a preset like so called UpdatePortForwards with a tag precondition of “UpdatePortForwards” and under configuration add a provision script and put in “PortForwards”.

In your genieacs/config/ext folder put the cpe-config.js file using this code.

Have your API return code that looks like this:

    "InternalClient": "",
    "PortMappingDescription": "Foo",
    "PortMappingProtocol": "TCP",
    "PortMappingEnabled": 1,
    "RemoteHost": "",
    "InternalPort": 8080,
    "ExternalPort": 8080,
    "ExternalPortEndRange": 8080

Where each array entry maps directly to a key/value for an instance in PortMapping.

Finally, add the tag UpdatePortForwards to the CPE in GenieACS and initiate a connection with the CPE.

While this whole process may seem more complicated initially, it will always ensure the port forwarding instances are created/deleted as needed.

I’ve had this code in production for two years with absolutely zero issues.