GenieACS 1.2.11 container available

I would like to announce that now I tested 1.2.11 and upgraded the Dockerfile, docker-compose files. It’s already available at Docker

I upgraded the MongoDB DB and the NodeJS version in the docker-compose. Make sure you create a backup of your MongoDB database in case the upgrade goes wrong so you can roll back.


it is possible to update this version, seems that .13 has some xmpp fixes. i try to re pull image but the version still appears as .11 after container update


Hi @mtarifa
I already did, but in any case, I’m building it again now. Will be pushed soon.
Dockerfile origin: GitHub - GeiserX/genieacs-docker: Automated configuration files for your GenieACS deployment

Done :slight_smile:

I think i figured out why is not update. Since the /opt is a volume, the repull image wont update that volume. Im afraid that removing that volume will rebuild the database or something…
Can i just delete the /opt volume and create a new one? since all env variables are on the docker enviroment and the configuration will remain on mongo database…
thanks and sorry.

Perform a backup before upgrading :wink:

Thanks G.!
in case someone has had the same (perhaps due to inexperience like me): I deleted the volume for /opt, and recreated it with a new empty volume. The db was preserved without problems (logically, but i started after recreate…just in case).
Maybe /opt should be something sort like volatile (except for /opt/genieacs/ext for example), i dont know if this is possible without recreate all the time…