I have my CPE device connected to GenieACS, reports online status OK.
However, whenever I try to send a command to my CPE (a reboot, or summon) I get an HTTP 302 redirect error in GenieACS and cannot proceed further.
I see the CPE sends out a http://x.x.x.x/cwmp link in the “Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL” . The CPE however does not allow an HTTP connection, only HTTPS. I think the HTTP 302 redirect is trying to push GenieACS to use HTTPS instead but GenieACS is getting confused / not understanding.
I used curl to simulate what GenieACS sees and was only successful when I bypassed the self-signed cert in the CPE and also forced https in the URL:
curl -k -i https://x.x.x.x/cwmp
So I’ve been experimenting with OpenSSL to see if I could get all my equipment working under one CA so all certificates are accepted (for testing purposes). I got GenieACS working with self-signed certs no problem, I created a separate user cert for my CPE and uploaded into my CPE but no change.
Looking for some guidance here on how I can get around ACS → CPE communication with HTTPS and certificates.